Bluegrass Chop Chords - Big Sciota - Mandolin Lesson bluegrass mandolin lesson Nov 24, 2020

In this video, Hayes Griffin teaches you the chords to the traditional tune from his home region, Big Sciota.

Hayes likes to play the chords with a bluegrass chop, but many players also use open-string chords for a more “old-time” sound.

 In Mandolin Secrets Academy you’ll find:

  • Sheet music/tab
  • ...
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Bluegrass Technique Etude - Big Sciota - G-major Run bluegrass mandolin lesson Nov 17, 2020

In this video, I show you a good melody etude for improving your mandolin technique. It’s a 4 note melodic sequence that is coming from the tune Big Sciota. Playing an exercise like this will improve both your fretting hand and picking hand technique.

In Mandolin Secrets Academy you’ll find

  • Stan
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Bluegrass Mandolin Lesson - Big Sciota - Melody bluegrass mandolin lesson Nov 10, 2020

In this video, Hayes Griffin plays a traditional tune from his home region called Big Sciota. This tune is a standard in old time and bluegrass circles, and increased in popularity after it was recorded by Jerry Douglas, Russ Barenberg, and Edgar Meyer on their album “Skip, Hop, and Wobble.” Sheet m...

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Arpeggio Exercise for Fretboard Knowledge - Mandolin Tutorial arpeggios mandolin lesson Nov 03, 2020

In this video,  I show you an arpeggio etude to expand your knowledge of the fretboard. We’re playing the same major arpeggio, 1-2-3-5, for all major chords, back cycling through the circle of fifths. Sheet music/tabs and audio version for this etude you’ll find in Mandolin Secrets Academy.

 This e...

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Octave Mandolin Lesson - Chords Accompaniment - Murphy’s Hornpipe - Celtic Traditional mandolin lesson octave mandolin performance video Oct 27, 2020

In this video, I show how I play the octave mandolin accompaniment for Murphy’s Hornpipe. It’s a traditional Irish tune I learned 17 years ago but still love to play it.

For this accompaniment, I focus on playing a strong baseline. 
It suits this tune well with its forward-moving chord changes.


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Murphy’s Hornpipe - Irish Traditional Mandolin Duo performance video Oct 07, 2020

In this video, I play a duo arrangement of a traditional Irish tune on mandolin and octave mandolin. I learned it 17 years ago but still love to play it, it’s called Murphy’s Hornpipe. When playing the melody I play a lot of triplets.
I recommend you to do that as well as it is a very nice and typic...

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Mandolin Lesson - How to play Triplets bluegrass mandolin lesson Sep 25, 2020

In this video, I show you how to play the triplets ornament in fiddle tunes. By playing this etude we will focus on the picking directions and develop control and awareness of the up and down strokes.

 In Mandolin Secrets Academy you’ll find:

  • Sheet music/tabs
  • Audio Version

 Click Here To Wat...

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Nuages - Melody - Jazz Mandolin Lesson jazz mandolin lesson Sep 08, 2020

In this video I show you how to play Nuages by Django Reinhardt. This is a very beautiful and classic tune in the Gypsy Jazz repertoire that I love to play. For the melody there is lot of options for fingerings and picking directions and there is no right or wrong, use my suggestion as a guide.  I’m...

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The New Grass Chop - Mandolin Lesson bluegrass jazz mandolin lesson Sep 01, 2020

In this video, I show you how to make the CHOP for the new grass chords. It’s a technique I learned from listening to players like Sam Bush, Chris Thile and Wayne Benson. You can use it it a variety of different ways and music styles.

Click Here To Watch Video

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Chord Inversions - Mandolin Lesson - 3 string voicing in G-major mandolin lesson Aug 25, 2020

In this video I show you how to play the three chord inversions for any 3-string chord on the mandolin. Study this and learn how to find any major chord on the entire fretboard. It's not a complicated but very powerful skill!

This lesson is a sample of one of the things you will learn in Fretboard ...

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Improve the strength of your pinky - Mandolin Lesson mandolin lesson Aug 18, 2020

In this video I give you three good exercises to improve the strength of your pinky. Some mechanical finger busters, a scale exercise in closed position and melody playing without using open strings.

 Click Here To Watch Video

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New Grass Chords - Mandolin Lesson - Cherokee Shuffle folk mandolin lesson Aug 11, 2020

In this video I show you how I play new grass chords in the style of Sam Bush. I demonstrate it for Cherokee Shuffle that is a cool old-time tune in the key of A-major. It´s an easy-going melody with a forward-moving chord progression. 

I like to play the chop chords with a new grass style chord ac...

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